Tips and Tricks For a Stress-Free House Move

Moving out might sound like rocket science, but the truth is entirely different.

With a stable organisation, even you – the person who’s never changed his address – can deal with this task without hassle.

You can have our tips and tricks that will reduce stress in each phase of this long-lasting and exhausting procedure. Read them below and thank us later!

moving house

Start your preparation earlier
Postponing the moving-out preparation is not a good idea. The more you delay packing and cleaning your house, the worse your results will be. We strongly recommend you start as soon as possible.

Also, sharing your plans with your boss at work could be good. At one concrete time, you might consider asking for a day off. When your boss is preliminarily informed about your situation, you have more chances to get what you want from him.

Handle a de-cluttering to sort, donate and recycle
An essential part of the moving preparation is simply decluttering your living space. You might think this is nonsense as you will not live here soon. On the contrary, there’s a lot of point in de-cluttering the removal process.

During this step, you can quickly sort out all of your belongings. Some of them are broken, dirty, unnecessary, or not needed anymore. Instead of putting them in your baggage and sparing a whole box or two, simply throw them away. Those items that are still ok can be donated or sold.

Make a moving checklist and stick to it

If you feel like there’s a mess in your head right now, know that we’ve got and understand you. It’s completely normal to be confused.

But to know what’s next and how to proceed with your preparation, you should have a plan to stick to. The moving checklist can help you deal with the mess in your head. Type everything you must do before your last day in your home.

And make sure to list the duties chronologically – call the landlord, find a new home place, de-clutter, find supplies for packing, hire a man and van, and you name it.

Consider booking a moving company (again earlier)
Speaking of a man with a van, you should definitely consider this option.

This service is the short version of the professional removal service which includes assistance in chores like packing, dismantling furniture, finding the best route to transport your things, etc. It’s up to you what you choose but decides as early as possible.

Don’t afford the risk of being left without professional help or charging for emergency service. When looking for a moving company, consider the following factors for a proper choice:

  • Good reputation and satisfying rating you can check on the web (look for real customer feedback posts if possible);
  • Availability of insurance clause in the contract;
  • Perfect balance between price and quality;
  • Reliable vehicles;
  • Kind attitude and understanding that can be noticed through the conversation with the consultant;
  • Possibility to re-schedule the removal day;
  • A chance to book some extra services like storage units, buying professional moving supplies, etc.
Don’t hesitate to invest in high-quality moving equipment and proper supplies
If there’s something from the removal, you shouldn’t make savings. This is the moving equipment. Invest in high-quality moving boxes and buy solid containers for the most valuable items if necessary.

If you plan to load the van yourself, equip yourself with helping accessories such as dollies, trailers, sliders, etc. They don’t save only effort but time, too. With them, you can take up to three boxes at one time.

The sliders and the trailers, though, are mainly made to provide you safety while taking care of the heavy items. If you don’t want any mandatory injuries during the removal process, consider buying or borrowing such.

Keep essentials close to you
While packing, don’t forget that there are things you would need to have and use until the man and van arrive in your backyard.

These are the essentials you might need to have at your disposal during the trip, too, especially if you have kids and a pet! Pack them carefully and keep the essentials close to you.

You can include things in this special box: hygienic products, toothbrushes, documents, pills, your toddler’s favourite toy he cannot slip without, your dog’s strap, and you name it.

Make the necessary measures to choose the right boxes
There might be a way to make some savings from the moving supplies. It is a trick through which you will avoid buying boxes that will not fit your luggage.

To avoid such unwanted expenses, simply take some measures in advance. Focus on the biggest items in your house. Some of them could be dismantled, though, and this is another trick to save both – cash and space in the van.

Be careful and protective of your most valuable items
If you have fragile, delicate, or too expensive items you are ready to hold during the trip, note that the man with van won’t let you.

Instead, the technician will suggest you safe-proof the concrete belongings. There are many ways to do so, but the cheapest is by embracing them with all the soft items you’ve got in your baggage – blankets, sweaters, clothes, curtains, and you name it. Ordinary bubble wrap, though, is a great idea, too.

In all cases, we strongly recommend not putting fragile items alongside heavy objects.

These tips and tricks will ease your life while preparing for the big day.

If you want to avoid the stress and the fuss, you better put them all into force. We are sure that with them you will save yourself some unpredicted expenses, nerves, and efforts.

And in conclusion, we want to give you some courage. Cheer up! The removal is just a path to go through, but it will take you to a new amazing beginning of your new life! Good luck!

*Collaborative post