The Benefits of Weight Loss

Losing weight has many benefits to your health and wellbeing. An effective way of losing weight is to make small but lasting changes to your diet and lifestyle, increasing your activity levels and being mindful of the food and drink you are consuming. There is no 'quick fix' to lose weight and it will take time and commitment but there are so many amazing benefits that it certainly worth the effort. One option some may wish to consider is to buy Mounjaro online. This works by acting on hormones that control appetite, helping to reduce hunger and make you feel fuller. Always be sure to consult your GP to see if this is the right step for you. 

This article explores the benefits of weight loss which may give you all the inspiration you need to start your weight loss journey. 


The Benefits of Weight Loss

More energy
Losing weight will give you more energy. Carrying extra weight causes the body to use extra energy so when you lose weight, this can cause your energy levels to skyrocket. This then helps you to keep up the momentum with new exercise routines and activity levels. 

Better quality of sleep
Studies show that quality of sleep can improve with weight loss. Excess weight and body fat can increase the likelihood of developing obstructive sleep apnea. This is where the airway becomes blocked, either completely or partially, during sleep which will cause frequent awakenings. An increased exercise schedule will also have the benefits of helping you to sleep better.

Reduced risk of illness
Studies have shown that fat deposited around the abdomen, called visceral fat, is associated with heart disease, diabetes, dementia, breast and colon cancers, and other chronic health conditions. Losing weight helps to reduce these risks prolonging lifespan and increasing quality of life.

Improved mood
Losing weight can have a direct impact on your confidence and body image, which then can result in a happier social life for example. Increased activity levels also results in an increase in energy levels and dopamine meaning you'll feel happier and healthier!

Increased libido
Some research suggests that excess weight may affect certain hormones in the blood which can lower sex drive. Losing weight will increase your energy levels and self-confidence which can enable a happier sex life.

Start Your Weight Loss Journey Today
If you're looking to shed some pounds, making small achievable lifestyle changes which result in steady and consistent weight gain (aim to lose 1 to 2lbs, or 0.5 to 1kg, a week) will help you achieve the results you desire. Here are some ways you could implement healthier changes into your lifestyle. 
  • Increase activity levels- The NHS recommend 150 minutes a week which can be broken up into shorter sessions
  • Eat fruit and veg- Aim to consume your '5-A Day' portions of fruit and vegetables.
  • Mindful eating- Be mindful of what you are eating and drinking, for example by reading food labels – products with more green colour coding than amber and red are often a healthier option.
  • Drink more water- Try to keep hydrated and cut out sugary drinks. You may wish to swap sugary drinks for water – if you do not like the taste, add slices of lemon or lime for flavour
  • Wholegrain- Cut down on food that's high in sugar and fat, swapping sugary cereal for wholegrain alternatives
  • Connect- Connecting with others who are also on a weight loss journey will help to motivate you and keep you on track. Consider joining a group of likeminded individuals or sharing the journey with a friend. Joining exercise classes with friends is also a great idea. Not only will you meet your exercise targets but you can socialise too. 
*Collaborative post