GPS Tracker For Dogs

Whilst you may make every effort to ensure your beloved dogs are kept safe and secure when you're out and about, there is always the risk that your dog may escape your eyeline and become lost. There are many reasons why a dog may suddenly go out of your sight: perhaps they've started tracking an animal, have become spooked by a noise or have become excited in presence of other dogs, to name just a few reasons. Luckily, there is a way to ensure you can locate your dog instantly, with the GPS Dog Tracker from PAJ. Lets take a closer look at the amazing features of the tracker.



The GPS Dog Tracker enables you to locate your dog in real time. It has extensive coverage and offers the highest GPS accuracy which will enable you to pinpoint your dog’s location accurately in the event that they go missing. To enhance tracking accuracy for indoor dogs, the device uses Wi-Fi tracking which can then automatically switch to GPS tracking mode when the dog leaves the Wi-Fi zone. It uses a 4G network which operates in over 100 different countries so you can be reassured that your dog will be tracked at all times. You can also set up Geo-fencing alerts help you to monitor your dog at all times. If for example, your dog has escaped your garden or a particular area, you will be notified at once. The tracker records the route that your dog has taken so you can look back and observe which way they have gone. You can store and access the routes they've taken for 365 days.

There is also a recall function on the device which means you can start to train your dog to come back once they hear the sound.

The tracker is really lightweight, waterproof and durable and is secured to your dog via their collar or harness. It's small enough to prevent irritation and there are no sharp edges. It even has bright LEDs so you can locate your furry friend in the dark.

The Finder Portal app is really easy and straightforward to use. It can be downloaded, free of charge onto Apple and Android devices. Any alerts and features of the device can be easily managed from the app. From the app you can easily access the daily routes your dog takes as well as the distance and speed they travel. You can also observe a heat map to observe where your dog spends most of its time. This data is all stored for 365 days.

The Finder Portal app requires a subscription for access. Already integrated into the GPS device, the SIM card ensures the best connection in over 100 countries. You can choose between, monthly, annual or biennial subscriptions.

The PAJ GPS Dog Tracker is worth is weight in gold in terms of keeping your dog safe and bringing you peace of mind too. Its a thumbs up from me!

*Collaborative post