Teaching Children About Finance And Money Management

Teaching children about finance and money management can be a daunting prospect and you may be wondering where you even start with passing on this information. As children become older and certainly as they move into their teen years, taking responsibility for any money they have and learning how to spend responsibly is an important skill to learn. After all, growing into young adults with a sound understanding of money matters, financial products and money management will definitely serve them well in their future.

Teaching children about finance and money management 

So just how do we get children interested in learning about finance and money management? One of the most effective ways to ensure your child will get on board with learning about a subject is to make the information you give them age appropriate, fun and interactive. One way to do this is with the use of games tailored towards helping children understand all about money! I looked at some of the great games found at mortgagecalculator.org. They have an amazing selection of completely free games to help children and teens learn all about money. What an amazing resource! They also have games to help young ones learn about business, food business and real estate and much more! 

Here are a couple of games we found at mortagecalculator.org that are just brilliant for helping your child to learn about money. 

Grocery Cashier
This game helps children to become familiar with money as well as to learn about addition and subtraction. In the game you ring up totals of products through a cash register and then you must give the customer the correct change they need by pressing on the correct notes and coins. This is a great way to get children used to what each note and coin is worth and how to add them together to get the right total!

money game

Cash Back
In this game children are presented with a customer who has bought a particular item. The customer gives the payment and children must supply them with the correct change using the right notes or coins. There are different difficulty levels and you can choose whether you would like to be given hints about which notes to use or whether you would like the total due to the customer to be shown. This gets children used to the different notes and coins and helps them perfect their addition and subtraction skills! Even adults can benefit from the game helping to keep their mathematical skills sharp!

money game

Introducing your child to the word of money through games is a great way to get them interested in this topic. They'll love taking their new skills out into the real world starting with small shop purchases which involve handing the correct money over to the cashier as well as learning to count and save their money. They'll be money savvy in no time! 

*Collaborative post