4 Mental Health Tips for Getting Through a Divorce

Divorce is a painful experience, even when it is what’s best for you. It can be a rollercoaster of challenging emotions, but it can also birth a new beginning and a chance to start fresh. Here are some ways to lean into your divorce and nurture yourself through this transitional experience.


1. Feel Your Feelings
Often, your first instinct when you feel pain is to try to numb or force it away. This can cause your emotions to manifest in other ways and affect every aspect of your life. To fully process your feelings, you must meet them head-on.

The temptation to mask or deny your feelings can be powerful, but you must tap into them to fully heal and recover. Don’t try to control your senses — sit with them and find a way to calm down. Let them do their thing and get them out. Once you express your emotions, you can work through them and shift your perception of things that could otherwise hold you back.

2. Rediscover Who You Are
Divorce can present the perfect opportunity to rediscover who you are aside from the spousal role you are shedding. You may have put plans on hold for the sake of your marriage or sacrificed an opportunity as a compromise.

Compromise is essential in a marriage, but it could cause resentment. Revisit those dreams and ambitions you put aside for whatever reason and consider them with fresh eyes and an open mindset. If you don’t have any latent plans, consider exploring new interests and giving them a chance to change your life.

Amidst the chaos, you must make necessary changes and adjustments to your taxes (if you're in the US), emergency contacts and other legal documents. Discuss who will claim dependents on taxes and how you will divide your belongings. If you can settle these things amicably without legal proceedings, the smoother this transition will be for both of you and the more time you’ll have to focus on yourself.

3. Prioritise Mental Health
You can quickly lose yourself in another person when you love them. You might wake up one day and ask yourself what you are even doing with your life because you have been so focused on providing for the ones you love.

Take the time to realign your chakras, find balance and protect your mental health.

You are only one person and you must take care of yourself. Try mindfulness practices like yoga or meditation to calm your mind and release tension. Your mental health is vital to your daily life and success.

4. Explore Exercise
Exercise is essential to dealing with stress and provides an excellent way to release anger. Boxing and martial arts are fabulous ways to exert yourself physically, get out of some rage and learn self-defence. Tai chi and yoga are great for connecting your mind and body and learning how to breathe through your emotions.

Consistent physical activity also has myriad benefits for your health and overall well-being. Exercise can reduce stress, improve focus and sleep and elevate mood. Consider joining a gym, attending a workout class and walking or jogging daily to release tension and prioritize your health.

Caring for Yourself During a Divorce
Grieving your divorce is a vital component of the healing process. You could mourn your relationship, life or family dynamics, among other factors. Give yourself grace as you go through the process of your divorce. Find meaning in the raw emotions that surface, connect with them and allow yourself to push forward to a new life.

*Collaborative post