Helping Your Child Overcome Obstacles

With the pressure of school, studying time, friends and relationships to consider, it can be a lot for children to handle. Overcoming obstacles and roadblocks in our lives is a part of what makes us grow and understand things that can be out of our control, but there are many ways we can tackle them to work on the best versions of ourselves.

In a guide from this prep school in Middlesex, we take a look at the ways to help your child with their problem solving skills and methods of managing obstacles.

Helping children to problem solve, cuddle

Help them understand their own emotions
As adults we have a deep understanding of how our emotions work. As children, adults would teach us how to control them, how to respond when we’re dealing with our emotions and what techniques we can use. Parents can guide their children through their thought processes and emotions by validating their feelings and showing how they can build up their confidence and self-esteem.

Show them the bigger picture
Children tend to live in the here and now and not know what’s coming in the future. Showing them what every day leads up to can give them the drive and passion to do better. You’re also demonstrating to them that not every setback will mean it’s the end of the world - there’s always a chance to do better the next day.

Be a good role model
Children always lead by example - they take in their surroundings and what’s to come from their parents and how they act in different situations. If a child sees their parents panicking or becoming angry at a situation then they’ll follow that in their own lives, so aim to be composed and understanding of your own troubles when in front of others.

Despite what we might be thinking at the time, being able to overcome a situation allows us to harness the skills we know to grow into respectful people.

*Collaborative Post