The Benefits of Bespoke Packaging

Over the last 18 months, due to the pandemic and the lockdown restrictions in place, many of us have relied on internet shopping as a way of receiving the goods we require. I ordered many items over lockdown in order to avoid the unnecessary trips to the shops and receiving a parcel could certainly be the highlight of the day after such a long time indoors! It was interesting to observe the different types of packaging used for the items I ordered. There was such variety in the styles of packaging I received; some items were really badly packaged resulting in damaged items and some items arrived with masses of packaging which seemed wasteful and not very eco-friendly. On the other hand, some items were beautifully packaged or used stylish and sleek packaging which really oozed quality and were a joy to open. 

Courier delivering parcel to recipient

Some of the best parcels I received were ones where the packaging had been carefully thought out by the company so that they were the right size and shape for the product being delivered as well as efficiently protecting the products packaged inside. Often, they even had a custom printed design like a logo or were representative of the colours and themes used by the company.

I'm certainly of the opinion that bespoke packaging really adds to the consumer experience. Well thought out packaging is the first impression we have of the product we have ordered and it shows that the company has put care and consideration into your experience with them. It demonstrates that the company takes pride in their products and that you receiving the product in pristine condition is of utmost important. 

Bespoke packaging is also more environmentally friendly as it means there won't be excess material waste. The parcels can be transported more easily reducing the company's carbon footprint. 

Bespoke packaging is a great choice for companies, helping them to promote and showcase their brand, their ethos and their individuality too. 

*Collaborative Post